Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Which is more important - Seva or Knowledge?

Often we face dualities in life - one or the other - and it becomes seemingly difficult to choose because both are good options. Mind is divided because both are good choices; if any of them was a bad option, it would be a very simple decision.

Seva or Knowledge is one such choice. You have only limited time or some time restrictions - what to do?

Both are important! Neither can be skipped!

Without Seva, knowledge has no application. When you know something, your first impulse is to act on it. Without Action, without Seva, knowledge has no end. You will not get satisfaction.

Without knowledge, Seva will become dry. Whatever seva you do, if it does not help you reinforce the knowledge, then you will feel empty from within. You will feel sucked out of energy. Without knowledge, seva will become an effort and that will weigh you down.

Hence both are required! Both go hand-in-hand!

If you are unable to do both, means either you are not managing time properly or you are not being creative enough to find a solution.

For example, Swati has to maintain certain time at home and if she does both seva and knowledge session then she is practically unseen at home. One solution could be doing Seva with the group and listening to knowledge individually. Another could be Knowledge in a group and Seva individually. Both could be accomplished!

Jai Gurudev!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Acceptance - The Key of All Keys!

If you study the Course Sutras carefully you will notice that there is a common thread amongst them all - and that is Acceptance!

Acceptance is at the heart of all the five sutras!

'Opposite values are complimentary' is nothing but accepting that life is full of opposites! Sometimes high, Sometimes low!

'Accept People and Situations as they are' is definetely about accepting whatever comes your way.

'Don't be a football of other people's opinions' is about accepting other's negative opinions about you and not getting pushed around by them.

'Don't see intention behind other people's mistakes' is all about accepting other people's mistakes.


'Present moment is inevitable' is all about accepting the present moment as it is - whether pleasant or unpleasant!

All the five sutras are, in this perspective, off-shoots of the common underlying key in life - "ACCEPTANCE"!!

Jai Gurudev!