Friday, February 5, 2010

Acceptance - The Key of All Keys!

If you study the Course Sutras carefully you will notice that there is a common thread amongst them all - and that is Acceptance!

Acceptance is at the heart of all the five sutras!

'Opposite values are complimentary' is nothing but accepting that life is full of opposites! Sometimes high, Sometimes low!

'Accept People and Situations as they are' is definetely about accepting whatever comes your way.

'Don't be a football of other people's opinions' is about accepting other's negative opinions about you and not getting pushed around by them.

'Don't see intention behind other people's mistakes' is all about accepting other people's mistakes.


'Present moment is inevitable' is all about accepting the present moment as it is - whether pleasant or unpleasant!

All the five sutras are, in this perspective, off-shoots of the common underlying key in life - "ACCEPTANCE"!!

Jai Gurudev!