Thursday, January 28, 2010

Everything is Possible!!

Here's a Guru Story that's been one of my favorites.

This was a few years back, at a time when I used to frequent Bau's residence @ Parsi Colony every few days. I used to land up in the evening and all the old timers (Upasana, JD, Anjana, Nihar, Rashmin, Manisha, etc) used to be hanging out there.

Once I was there and at 12 midnight, Bau had a sudden urge to eat Shrikhand. Me and Hetang very eagerly ran down to the nearest shop and came back empty handed in 10 mins. Seeing us return so soon was enough for Bau to use his discretionary veto powers. He simply asked us to go search again and not come back until we had Shrikhand in our hands! With a big sigh, and an even bigger sleepy look, we headed out to King's Circle to search for our sleep-saviour - the Shrikhand!

We searched and searched and searched and kept searching for at least a couple of hours. With Bau, Failure was simply not an option! We simply dreaded returning home without being successful!

We asked every person on the road about the clue as to where we could find Shrikhand at this late hour in the night! Driving from one place to another, we kept our eyes wide open to see if there was any dairy shop open at all!

We came across at least three dairy shops which had milk in them but no Shrikhand. The search continued....

Finally, to our surprise (pleasant one that is), we happened to cross a half open shutter in Dharavi! I suddenly put the brakes on and the car came to a screeching halt. We looked back and saw that it was indeed a dairy shop. We drove back and asked the shopkeeper if he stocked any shrikhand. Much to our delight he said "YES"! We screamed a big "Yeee!!!" and felt a big lift in energy!

We couldn't contain our excitement and bought two packs of Shrikhand and rushed home. We felt we had climbed mount everest and felt completely on top of the world!

I realized four things in the process:
1. With Patience & Perseverance, Everything is possible!
2. Overcoming a challenge brings enormous energy and confidence!
3. When Failure is not an option, you end up finding ways to become successful!
4. When you have a task at hand, all inhibitions break and you break out of your self-limiting boundaries!

The anti-climax to this episode however, was that Bau, had gone off to sleep by the time we reached home with the Shrikhand!

We did feel a bit disappointed, but, the lessons were learnt nevertheless!!


  1. hehe.. yea i remember you telling us this.. wonderful learning :)

  2. hey bhaiya dat post was 2 sweet!!! rather adventurous i must say.
