Friday, January 8, 2010

Guruji's message for 2010!

I simply loved Guruji's message for 2010 and showed the 11 min clip to everone I could get hold of! A superb clip on what Guruji expects from us in this year! Every time I watch this video I get inspired to do Seva! Here's the link -

He said more satsang and seva are the ways to reduce misery. He also said that billions of people are out there who are like insomnia patients - who are tired and restless but don't know how to rest! We are fortunate to have this knowledge with us and all we need to do is close our eyes to become peaceful and happy!

This is where our intervention is needed - to reach out to as many people as we can! Let's commit to seva and satsang first and then to everything else in our life this year!

Jai Gurudev!

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